Thursday, October 23, 2014

Catching Up

Back to 5/3/1 for football, yeah, I know.....

Push press: 5@120, 5@135, 10@155
Bench: 10@115, 10@135, 10@165
DB BOR: 5x10 @75 (each arm).

Deadlift: 5@215, 5@250, 12@285
Push press: 5@105, 5@120, 5@135
Lunges: 3x6 with 35lb dumbbells
3x10 good mornings @95lbs
3x20sec plank
3 pull ups
5 dips

Friday, October 17, 2014

10/17/14....finding motivation everywhere

Read an article on CNN about what the dying truly regret...

Inspires me to keep on the heavy lifting theme, stay focused on getting stronger every workout, whether that be more weight or record reps.....

Today's workout:

Strict Press @155lbs x 5, 5, 10
Deadlift 10@285

Felt good.......planning to implement frequency method pushups and pullups tomorrow (ideally, 6 rounds, which may be tough since it is Saturday and it is a family day)......will also begin the villain challenge #1, burpees......

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10/15/14 Workout

Operating in a caloric deficit makes the weight feel heavy.....much heavier than it is, especially considering the weight I am using....c'est la vie...onward and upward....

Bench Press: 200 x 5, 5, 10
DB BO Row: 100 lb db, 3x5 each side, definitely should increase weight here....
Back Squat: 235 x 5, 5, rep was a bitch....

no metcon...need to increase calories, add starch to PWO meal.....

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Programming A.D.D. -- Changing It Up

Think I have linear gains left in me, plan to max those out, then ride 5/3/1 for the long-term.  Switching to GSLP, did some warmup type work to make sure my starting points are too aggressive.  Plan to start on Sunday.

Today:  PP 2x5 @150, 10 @150 (could have done more, but no need to push today).
BS 2x5 @230, 10 @230, same story as PP

So, starting weights for GSLP will be:

PP 150
BP 200
BS 235
DL 285 (plan to do some DLs tomorrow at ~275 and see how they feel, I want to do 10+).

Hope to make it to year-end without resetting.  That would get me very close to my 200/300/400/500 goal.

I'll do a Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday lifting schedule for the next few weeks, then switch to M/W/F.  I'll do metcons at least twice per week, working up to 4 with some LSD sprinkled in on off days.....also plan to add in frequency pushups and pullups, along with doing VC1 (burpees).

Diet will remain lots of lean meats, veges, little fruit, and a sweet potato after lifting.  I'll add in sweet potato at breakfast too if needed. 

Must stick with this plan and stop hopping.

Friday, October 3, 2014

10/3/14 Workout

Bench: 165x3, 185x3, 210x10

Assistance: 3 rounds
10 pushups
10 DB BOR @80lbs (each side)
30 second plank

Took it easy today, time is tight.  Legs tomorrow then ramp up the assistance work and maintain metcons.  Planning to get onto a M/T/Th/F lifting schedule next week....

Waiting for Wendler's "Forever Big But Boring" template he teased on Monday...come on Jim, where is it.....

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

10/1/14 Workout -- Deadlift

Deadlift: 195x5, 225x5, 255x12

Front Squat: 100x10, 120x10, 140x10

Metcon: 2 rounds, 4:07

5 HPC @135
10 DB bent over row @80lbs (10 each arm)
15 lateral jumps over barbell

Felt lethargic and unmotivated.  May need to utilize a 3-day per week template instead of 4. I'll see how I feel on Friday (bench) and especially during Saturday's workout (squats).

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Catching up

I've been slacking on the posts and have decided not to do 5/3/1 football and instead to 5/3/1 with conditioning afterward based upon Wendler's 5/3/1 and crossfit template. 

9/25/14 workout

Back Squat: 5@185, 5@210, 10@240
Bench Press: 5@150, 5@175, 10@200

DB rows: 3x10 @80 lbs
RDLs: 3x10 @135 lbs


Hill sprints x 6

9/29/14 workout

Pushpress: 5@120, 5@135, 10@155
5 pull ups in between each set, including warmup sets = 5x5

Metcon: 3 rounds (roughly 2 minutes of work and 1 minute rest)

10 20lb Overhead Ball Slams
10 Pushups
60 single unders
20 DB military presses @35lbs (10 each side)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Training Max

Goals: Increase strength, hit the 200/300/400/500 (PP, BP, BS, DL) goal, and become very well conditioned (not sure how to measure that yet).  I want to get my front squat over 300lbs and bring body weight down to between 205 and 215 pounds (we'll see how I feel once we get closer to the weight loss goal).   Currently carrying around 180lbs of lean body mass at 6'2".  Age 42.

Estimated training maxes:

BS: 300
DL: 325
PP: 190
BP: 250
PC: 195

Front squat max ~200lbs

Planning to use Wendler's 5/3/1 for football winter 8 week template, using the last couple of assistance exercises as part of a metabolic conditioning cycle, and occasionally incorporating the jumps, throws, and speed template  At this point, I anticipate running through the winter cycle 3 - 4 times, before moving into a different 5/3/1 template. I'll also sub in FS on a linear progression type program, adding 5lbs per workout in place of back squats.  For 5/3/1, I'll use back squats.

9/15/14 and 9/16/14 workouts

Monday, 9/15/14

Press: 125x5, 145x5, 165x8; 3x5 pullups in between sets

FS: 3x5 @135; 3x5 chins between sets

One round (easing back into it):

5 dips
5 ball slams
10 situps
15 KB swings (55lbs)

Tuesday, 9/16/14

Hill sprints x 6

50M repeats x 6